

1. SELECT basics/zh

2. SELECT names/zh

3. SQLZOO:SELECT from WORLD Tutorial/zh

4. SELECT from Nobel Tutorial/zh

5. SELECT within SELECT Tutorial/zh

5.1 Using nested SELECT/zh

6. SUM and COUNT functions

7. The JOIN operation/zh

8. More JOIN operations/zh

9. Using Null

10. Self join

1. SELECT basics/zh


  1. 修改此例子,以顯示德國 Germany 的人口。
SELECT population FROM world

  WHERE name = 'Germany'

查詢顯示面積為 5,000,000 以上平方公里的國家,該國家的人口密度(population/area)。人口密度並不是 WORLD 表格中的欄,但我們可用公式(population/area)計算出來。

  1. 修改此例子,查詢面積為 5,000,000 以上平方公里的國家,對每個國家顯示她的名字和人均國內生產總值(gdp/population)。
SELECT name, gdp/population FROM world

  WHERE area> 5000000

此示例顯示了“Luxembourg 盧森堡”,“Mauritius 毛里求斯”和“Samoa 薩摩亞”的國家名稱和人口。

  1. 顯示“Ireland 愛爾蘭”,“Iceland 冰島”,“Denmark 丹麥”的國家名稱和人口。
SELECT name, population FROM world

  WHERE name IN ('Ireland','Iceland','Denmark');

BETWEEN 允許範圍檢查 - 注意,這是包含性的。 此例子顯示面積為 250,000 及 300,000 之間的國家名稱和該國面積。

  1. 修改此例子,以顯示面積為 200,000 及 250,000 之間的國家名稱和該國面積。
SELECT name, area FROM world

  WHERE area BETWEEN 200000 AND 250000

2. SELECT names/zh

  1. 找出以 Y 為開首的國家。
SELECT name FROM world

  WHERE name LIKE 'Y%'

  1. 找出以 Y 為結尾的國家。
SELECT name FROM world

  WHERE name LIKE '%Y'

  1. 找出所有國家,其名字包括字母x。
SELECT name FROM world

  WHERE name LIKE '%x%'

  1. 找出所有國家,其名字以 land 作結尾。
SELECT name FROM world

  WHERE name LIKE '%land'

  1. 找出所有國家,其名字以 C 作開始,ia 作結尾。
SELECT name FROM world

  WHERE name LIKE 'c%ia'

  1. 找出所有國家,其名字包括字母oo。
SELECT name FROM world

  WHERE name LIKE '%oo%'

  1. 找出所有國家,其名字包括三個或以上的a。
SELECT name FROM world

  WHERE name LIKE '%a%a%a%'

  1. 找出所有國家,其名字以t作第二個字母。
SELECT name FROM world

 WHERE name LIKE '_t%'


  1. 找出所有國家,其名字都有兩個字母 o,被另外兩個字母相隔着。
SELECT name FROM world

 WHERE name LIKE '%o__o%'

  1. 找出所有國家,其名字都是 4 個字母的。
SELECT name FROM world

 WHERE name LIKE '____'
  1. 顯示所有國家名字,其首都和國家名字是相同的。

  FROM world

 WHERE name =capital

“Mexico 墨西哥”的首都是”Mexico City”。

  1. 顯示所有國家名字,其首都是國家名字加上”City”。

  FROM world

where capital like concat(name, ' city')

  1. 找出所有首都和其國家名字,而首都要有國家名字中出現。
select capital,name

from world

where capital like concat('%',name,'%')

  1. 找出所有首都和其國家名字,而首都是國家名字的延伸。
    你應顯示 Mexico City,因它比其國家名字 Mexico 長。
    你不應顯示 Luxembourg,因它的首都和國家名相是相同的。
select name,capital

from world

where capital like concat(name,'%') and capital !=name

"Monaco-Ville"是合併國家名字 "Monaco" 和延伸詞"-Ville".

  1. 顯示國家名字,及其延伸詞,如首都是國家名字的延伸。
SELECT name,replace(capital, name, '')

 FROM world  

WHERE capital LIKE concat(name,'_%')

3. SQLZOO:SELECT from WORLD Tutorial/zh

  1. 觀察運行一個簡單的SQL命令的結果。
SELECT name, continent, population FROM world

  1. 顯示具有至少2億人口的國家名稱。 2億是200000000,有八個零。
SELECT name FROM world

WHERE population>200000000

  1. 找出有至少200百萬(2億)人口的國家名稱,及人均國內生產總值。



select name,gdp/population from world

 where population >=200000000

  1. 顯示'South America'南美洲大陸的國家名字和以百萬為單位人口數。 將人口population 除以一百萬(1000000)得可得到以百萬為單位人口數。
select name,population/1000000

from world

where continent = 'South America'

  1. 顯示法國,德國,意大利(France, Germany, Italy)的國家名稱和人口。
select name, population

from world

where name in ('France','Germany','Italy')

  1. 顯示包含單詞“United”為名稱的國家。
select name

from world

where name like '%United%'


  1. 展示大國的名稱,人口和面積。
SELECT name, population, area FROM world

WHERE area > 3000000 OR population > 250000000

美國、印度和中國(USA, India, China)是人口又大,同時面積又大的國家。排除這些國家。

  1. 顯示以人口或面積為大國的國家,但不能同時兩者。顯示國家名稱,人口和面積。
SELECT name, population, area FROM world

WHERE (area > 3000000 AND population < 250000000) OR(area < 3000000 AND population > 250000000)

除以為1000000(6個零)是以百萬計。除以1000000000(9個零)是以十億計。使用 ROUND 函數來顯示的數值到小數點後兩位。

  1. 對於南美顯示以百萬計人口,以十億計2位小數GDP。



select name,round(population/1000000,2) ,round(gdp/1000000000,2)

from world

where continent = 'South America'


  1. 顯示萬億元國家的人均國內生產總值,四捨五入到最近的$ 1000。
SELECT name, ROUND(gdp/population/1000,0)*1000 FROM world

WHERE gdp > 1000000000000

  1. The CASE statement shown is used to substitute North America for Caribbean in the third column.
Show the name - but substitute Australasia for Oceania - for countries beginning with N.

SELECT name,

       CASE WHEN continent='Oceania' THEN 'Australasia'

            ELSE continent END

  FROM world

 WHERE name LIKE 'N%'

  1. Show the name and the continent - but substitute Eurasia for Europe and Asia; substitute America - for each country in North

America or South America or Caribbean. Show countries beginning with A or B

SELECT name,

       CASE WHEN continent='Europe' THEN 'Eurasia'

            WHEN continent='Asia' THEN 'Eurasia'

            WHEN continent='North America' THEN 'America'

            WHEN continent='South America' THEN 'America'

            WHEN continent='Caribbean' THEN 'America'

          else continent END

FROM world

WHERE name LIKE 'A%' or name LIKE 'B%'
  1. Put the continents right...

Oceania becomes Australasia

  • Countries in Eurasia and Turkey go to Europe/Asia
  • Caribbean islands starting with 'B' go to North America, other Caribbean islands go to South America

Show the name, the original continent and the new continent of all countries.

SELECT name,continent

       ,CASE WHEN continent='Oceania'

             THEN 'Australasia'

             WHEN continent IN ('Eurasia', 'Turkey')

             THEN 'Europe/Asia'

             WHEN continent = 'Caribbean'  AND name LIKE 'B%'

             THEN 'North America'

             WHEN continent = 'Caribbean'

             THEN 'South America'

             ELSE continent END

FROM world


4. SELECT from Nobel Tutorial/zh

  1. 更改查詢以顯示1950年諾貝爾獎的獎項資料
SELECT yr, subject, winner

  FROM nobel

 WHERE yr = 1950

  1. 顯示誰贏得了1962年文學獎(Literature)。
SELECT winner

  FROM nobel

 WHERE yr = 1962

   AND subject = 'Literature'

  1. 顯示“愛因斯坦”('Albert Einstein') 的獲獎年份和獎項。
select yr,subject from nobel where winner = 'Albert Einstein'

  1. 顯示2000年及以後的和平獎(‘Peace’)得獎者
select winner from nobel where yr>=2000 and subject='Peace'

  1. 顯示1980年至1989年(包含首尾)的文學獎(Literature)獲獎者所有細節(年,主題,獲獎者)。
select * from nobel where yr between 1980 and 1989 and subject = 'Literature'

  1. 顯示總統獲勝者的所有細節:
  • 西奧多•羅斯福 Theodore Roosevelt
  • 伍德羅•威爾遜 Woodrow Wilson
  • 吉米•卡特 Jimmy Carter

 WHERE winner IN ('Theodore Roosevelt',

                  'Woodrow Wilson',

                  'Jimmy Carter')

  1. 顯示名字為John 的得獎者。 (注意:外國人名字(First name)在前,姓氏(Last name)在後)
select winner from nobel where winner like 'John%'

  1. 顯示1980年物理學(physics)獲獎者,及1984年化學獎(chemistry)獲得者。
select * from nobel where (yr=1980 and subject='physics') or (yr=1984 and subject='chemistry')

  1. 查看1980年獲獎者,但不包括化學獎(Chemistry)和醫學獎(Medicine)。
select * from nobel where subject not in('Chemistry','Medicine') and yr=1980

  1. 顯示早期的醫學獎(Medicine)得獎者(1910之前,不包括1910),及近年文學獎(Literature)得獎者(2004年以後,包括2004年)。
select * from nobel where (yr<1910 and subject='Medicine') or (yr>=2004 and subject='Literature')

  1. Find all details of the prize won by PETER GRÜNBERG
select * from nobel where winner = 'Peter Grünberg'

  1. 查找尤金•奧尼爾EUGENE O'NEILL得獎的所有細節 Find all details of the prize won by EUGENE O'NEILL



select * from nobel where winner = 'EUGENE O''NEILL'

  1. 騎士列隊 Knights in order


select winner,yr,subject from nobel where winner like 'Sir%'

 order by yr desc,winner asc

  1. The expression subject IN ('Chemistry','Physics') can be used as a value - it will be 0 or 1.

Show the 1984 winners and subject ordered by subject and winner name; but list Chemistry and Physics last.

SELECT winner, subject FROM nobel where yr=1984

 ORDER BY subject in('Phys ics','Chemistry'),subject asc,winner asc

5. SELECT within SELECT Tutorial/zh

5.1 Using nested SELECT/zh


  1. List each country in the same continent as 'Brazil'.
SELECT name FROM world WHERE continent =

(SELECT continent

FROM world WHERE name = 'Brazil')

  1. 列出與巴西'Brazil' 和 墨西哥'Mexico'相同洲份的每個國家名和洲份
SELECT name, continent FROM world

WHERE continent IN

(SELECT continent

FROM world WHERE name='Brazil'

OR name='Mexico')

  1. 顯示中國人口是英國人口的多少倍。

population/(SELECT population FROM world

WHERE name='United Kingdom')

FROM world

WHERE name = 'China'

  1. 找出哪些國家的人口是高於歐洲每一國的人口。\


SELECT name FROM world

WHERE population > ALL

(SELECT population FROM world

WHERE continent='Europe')


  1. 列出每個國家的名字 name,當中人口 population 是高於俄羅斯'Russia'的人口。
SELECT name FROM world

WHERE population >

(SELECT population FROM world

WHERE name='Russia')

  1. 列出歐州每國家的人均GDP,當中人均GDP要高於英國'United Kingdom'的數值。
select name

from world

where gdp/population>

(select gdp/population

from world

where name='United Kingdom')

and continent='Europe'

  1. 在阿根廷Argentina 及 澳大利亞 Australia所在的洲份中,列出當中的國家名字 name 及洲分 continent 。按國字名字順序排序
select name,continent

from world

where continent in

(select continent

from world

where name='Argentina ' or name='Australia')

  1. 哪一個國家的人口比加拿大Canada的多,但比波蘭Poland的少?列出國家名字name和人口population 。
select name,population

from world

where population > (select population

from world

where name='Canada')


population < (select population  

from world

where name='Poland')


  1. 顯示歐洲的國家名稱name和每個國家的人口population。以德國的人口的百分比作人口顯示。


您可以使用函數ROUND 刪除小數。

百分號 %

您可以使用函數 CONCAT 增加的百分比符號。

select name,

concat(round(population/(select population from world where name='Germany')*100,0),'%')

from world

where continent ='Europe'

  1. 哪些國家的GDP比Europe歐洲的全部國家都要高呢? [只需列出 name 。] (有些國家的記錄中,GDP是NULL,沒有填入資料的。)
select name from world

where gdp > all(select gdp from world where continent='Europe' and gdp>0)

  1. 在每一個州中找出最大面積的國家,列出洲份 continent, 國家名字 name 及面積 area。 (有些國家的記錄中,AREA是NULL,沒有填入資料的。)
SELECT continent, name, area FROM world as x

WHERE area >= ALL

(SELECT area FROM world as y

WHERE y.continent=x.continent

AND area>0)


SELECT continent, name, max(area) FROM world as  x

WHERE area >= all

(SELECT area FROM world as y

WHERE y.continent=x.continent

AND area>0)

group by continent ,name

  1. 列出洲份名稱,和每個洲份中國家名字按子母順序是排首位的國家名。(即每洲只有列一國)
select continent ,name

from world x

where name <=all (select name  from world y where x.continent=y.continent ) order by name

  1. 找出洲份,當中全部國家都有少於或等於 25000000 人口. 在這些洲份中,列出國家名字name,continent 洲份和population人口。
select name,continent,population

from world x

where 25000000>=all (select population from world y where x.continent=y.continent)

  1. 有些國家的人口是同洲份的所有其他國的3倍或以上。列出 國家名字name 和 洲份 continent。
select name ,continent

from world x

where population/3>=all(select population

                        from world y

                        where y.continent=x.continent

                        and population>0

                       and y.name != x.name )

6. SUM and COUNT functions

  1. 找出總共有多少個獎頒發了。
select  count (winner) from nobel

  1. 列出每一個獎項(subject), 只列一次
select  distinct subject from nobel

  1. 找出物理獎的總頒發次數。
select  count( subject) from nobel

where subject ='physics'

  1. 對每一個獎項(Subject),列出頒發數目。
select  subject,count(winner )from nobel

group by subject

  1. 對每一個獎項(Subject),列出首次頒發的年份。
select subject,min(yr)

from nobel

group by subject

  1. 對每一個獎項(Subject),列出2000年頒發的數目。
select subject ,count (winner)

from nobel

where yr=2000

group by subject

  1. 對每一個獎項(Subject),列出有多少個不同的得獎者。
select subject ,count(distinct winner)

from nobel

group by subject

  1. 對每一個獎項(Subject),列出有多少年曾頒發過。
select subject ,count(distinct yr)

from nobel

group by subject

  1. 列出哪年曾同年有3個物理獎Physics得獎者。
select yr

from nobel

where subject='physics'

group by yr

having count(subject)=3

  1. 列出誰得獎多於一次。
select winner

from nobel

group by winner

having count(winner)>1

  1. 列出誰獲得多於一個獎項(Subject)
select winner

from nobel

group by winner

having count(distinct subject)>1

  1. 哪年哪獎項,是同一獎項(subject)頒發給3個人。只列出2000年及之後的資料。
select yr,subject

from nobel

where yr >=2000

group by yr ,subject

having count( subject)=3

7. The JOIN operation/zh

第一個例子列出球員姓氏為'Bender'的入球數據。 * 表示列出表格的全部欄位,簡化了寫matchid, teamid, player, gtime語句。

  1. 修改此SQL以列出 賽事編號matchid 和球員名 player ,該球員代表德國隊Germany入球的。要找出德國隊球員,要檢查: teamid = 'GER'
SELECT  matchid,player FROM goal

  WHERE teamid = 'GER'

由以上查詢,你可見Lars Bender's 於賽事 1012入球。.現在我們想知道此賽事的對賽隊伍是哪一隊。

留意在 goal 表格中的欄位 matchid ,是對應表格game的欄位id。我們可以在表格 game中找出賽事1012的資料。

  1. 只顯示賽事1012的 id, stadium, team1, team2
SELECT id,stadium,team1,team2

  FROM game

where id=1012



  FROM game JOIN goal ON (id=matchid)

語句FROM 表示合拼兩個表格game 和 goal的數據。語句 ON 表示如何找出 game中每一列應該配對goal中的哪一列 -- goal的 id 必須配對game的 matchid 。 簡單來說,就是
ON (game.id=goal.matchid)


  1. 修改它來顯示每一個德國入球的球員名,隊伍名,場館和日期
SELECT player,teamid,stadium,mdate

  FROM game JOIN goal ON (id=matchid)

where teamid = 'GER'

使用上題相同的 JOIN語句,

  1. 列出球員名字叫Mario (player LIKE 'Mario%')有入球的 隊伍1 team1, 隊伍2 team2 和 球員名 player
select team1,team2,player

from game join goal on (id=matchid)

where player like 'Mario%'

表格eteam 貯存了每一國家隊的資料,包括教練。你可以使用語句 goal JOIN eteam on teamid=id來合拼 JOIN 表格goal 到 表格eteam

  1. 列出每場球賽中首10分鐘gtime<=10有入球的球員 player, 隊伍teamid, 教練coach, 入球時間gtime
SELECT player, teamid, coach,gtime

  FROM eteam join goal on id=teamid

 WHERE gtime<=10

要合拼JOIN 表格game 和表格 eteam,你可以使用
game JOIN eteam ON (team1=eteam.id)

game JOIN eteam ON (team2=eteam.id)

注意欄位id同時是表格game 和表格 eteam的欄位,你要清楚指出eteam.id而不是只用id

  1. 列出'Fernando Santos'作為隊伍1 team1 的教練的賽事日期,和隊伍名。
select mdate,teamname

from game join eteam on team1=eteam.id

where coach='Fernando Santos'

  1. 列出場館 'National Stadium, Warsaw'的入球球員
select player

from game join goal  on id=matchid

where stadium='National Stadium, Warsaw'

以下例子找出德國-希臘Germany-Greece 的八強賽事的入球

  1. 修改它,只列出全部賽事,射入德國龍門的球員名字。

找非德國球員的入球,德國可以在賽事中作team1 隊伍1(主)或team2隊伍2(客)。 你可以用teamid!='GER' 來防止列出德國球員。 你可以用DISTINCT來防止球員出現兩次以上。

SELECT distinct(player)

FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id

WHERE (team1='GER' or team2='GER') and teamid!='GER'

  1. 列出隊伍名稱 teamname 和該隊入球總數
SELECT teamname, count(player)

  FROM eteam JOIN goal ON id=teamid

group by teamname

  1. 列出場館名和在該場館的入球數字。
select stadium,count(*)

from game join goal on id = matchid

group by stadium

  1. 每一場波蘭'POL'有參與的賽事中,列出賽事編號 matchid, 日期date 和入球數字。
SELECT matchid,mdate,count(teamid)

FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id

WHERE (team1 = 'POL' OR team2 = 'POL')

group by matchid,mdate

  1. 每一場德國'GER'有參與的賽事中,列出賽事編號 matchid, 日期date 和德國的入球數字
SELECT matchid,mdate,count(teamid)

FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id

WHERE (team1 = 'GER' OR team2 = 'GER')

and teamid='GER'

group by matchid,mdate

  1. List every match with the goals scored by each team as shown. This will use "CASE WHEN" which has not been explained in any previous exercises.






1 July 2012





10 June 2012





10 June 2012






Notice in the query given every goal is listed. If it was a team1 goal then a 1 appears in score1, otherwise there is a 0. You could SUM this column to get a count of the goals scored by team1. Sort your result by mdate, matchid, team1 and team2.

SELECT mdate,team1,   


    WHEN teamid=team1 THEN 1

    ELSE 0

   END)    score1,   



    WHEN teamid=team2 THEN 1       

    ELSE 0

   END)   score2   

    FROM game left JOIN goal ON matchid = id

group by mdate, matchid, team1,team2

8. More JOIN operations/zh

  1. 列出1962年首影的電影, [顯示 idtitle]
SELECT  id,title

 FROM movie

 WHERE yr=1962

  1. 電影大國民 'Citizen Kane' 的首影年份。
select yr

from movie

where title='Citizen Kane'

  1. 列出全部Star Trek星空奇遇記系列的電影,包括idtitle 和 yr(此系統電影都以Star Trek為電影名稱的開首)。按年份順序排列。
select id,title,yr

from movie

where title like 'Star Trek%'

order by yr

  1. id是 11768, 11955, 21191 的電影是什麼名稱?
select title

from movie

where id in(11768,11955,21191)

  1. 女演員'Glenn Close'的編號 id是什麼?
select id

from actor

where name='Glenn Close'

  1. 電影北非諜影'Casablanca' 的編號 id是什麼?
SELECT id FROM movie

WHERE title='Casablanca'

  1. 列出電影北非諜影 'Casablanca'的演員名單。


使用 movieid=11768, 這是你上一題得到的結果。


FROM actor JOIN casting

ON id =actorid

WHERE movieid=11768

  1. 顯示電影異型'Alien' 的演員清單。
select name from casting

join actor a  on (a.id = actorid)

join movie m on (m.id = movieid)  

where title = 'Alien'

  1. 列出演員夏里遜福 'Harrison Ford' 曾演出的電影。
select title from casting

join actor a  on (a.id = actorid)

join movie m on (m.id = movieid)  

where name='Harrison Ford'

  1. 列出演員夏里遜福 'Harrison Ford' 曾演出的電影,但他不是第1主角。
select title from casting

join actor a  on (a.id = actorid)

join movie m on (m.id = movieid)  

where name='Harrison Ford' and ord!=1

  1. 列出1962年首影的電影及它的第1主角。
select title,name from casting

join actor a  on (a.id = actorid)

join movie m on (m.id = movieid)  

where yr=1962 and ord=1

  1. 尊·特拉華達'John Travolta'最忙是哪一年? 顯示年份和該年的電影數目。
SELECT yr,COUNT(title)

FROM  movie JOIN casting ON movie.id=movieid         

JOIN actor   ON actorid=actor.idwhere name='John Travolta'



(SELECT MAX(c) FROM(SELECT yr,COUNT(title) AS c FROM   movie JOIN casting ON movie.id=movieid         

JOIN actor   ON actorid=actor.id

where name='John Travolta'

GROUP BY yr) AS t)

  1. 列出按字母順序,列出哪一演員曾作30次第1主角。
select title,name

from casting join movie m on (m.id=movieid)

join actor a on (a.id=actorid)

where ord=1 and movieid in(

select movieid from casting join actor a on (a.id=actorid) where name='Julie Andrews')

  1. 列出按字母順序,列出哪一演員曾作30次第1主角。
select distinct name

from casting join movie m on (m.id = movieid)

join actor a on (a.id = actorid)

where actorid in

(select actorid from casting where ord = 1

group by actorid

having count(actorid)

>=30)order by name

  1. 列出1978年首影的電影名稱及角色數目,按此數目由多至少排列。
select title,count(title) as c

from casting join movie m on (m.id = movieid)

where movieid in (select id from movie where yr = 1978)

group by title order by c desc

  1. 列出曾與演員亞特·葛芬柯'Art Garfunkel'合作過的演員姓名。
select distinct name

from actor join casting on (id = actorid)

where name != 'Art Garfunkel' and movieid in

(select movieid from casting  join actor on(id = actorid) where name = 'Art Garfunkel')

9. Using Null

  1. List the teachers who have NULL for their department
select  name from teacher

where dept is null

  1. Note the INNER JOIN misses the teachers with no department and the departments with no teacher.
SELECT teacher.name, dept.name

 FROM teacher INNER JOIN dept

           ON (teacher.dept=dept.id)

  1. Use a different JOIN so that all teachers are listed.
SELECT teacher.name, dept.name

 FROM teacher left JOIN dept

           ON (teacher.dept=dept.id)

  1. Use a different JOIN so that all departments are listed.
SELECT teacher.name, dept.name

 FROM teacher right JOIN dept

           ON (teacher.dept=dept.id)

  1. Use COALESCE to print the mobile number. Use the number '07986 444 2266' if there is no number given. Show teacher name and mobile number or '07986 444 2266'
select name, coalesce(mobile,'07986 444 2266') from teacher

  1. Use the COALESCE function and a LEFT JOIN to print the teacher name and department name. Use the string 'None' where there is no department.
SELECT teacher.name,coalesce( dept.name,'None')

FROM teacher left JOIN dept

ON (teacher.dept=dept.id)

  1. Use COUNT to show the number of teachers and the number of mobile phones.
select count(teacher.name),count(mobile)

from teacher

  1. Use COUNT and GROUP BY dept.name to show each department and the number of staff. Use a RIGHT JOIN to ensure that the Engineering department is listed.
SELECT  dept.name,count(teacher.name)

 FROM teacher right JOIN dept

           ON (teacher.dept=dept.id)

group by dept.name

  1. Use CASE to show the name of each teacher followed by 'Sci' if the teacher is in dept 1 or 2 and 'Art' otherwise.
select name,

case when dept=1 or dept =2 then 'Sci'

else 'Art' end

from teacher


select name,

case when dept in (1,2) then 'Sci'

else 'Art'


from teacher

  1. Use CASE to show the name of each teacher followed by 'Sci' if the teacher is in dept 1 or 2, show 'Art' if the teacher's dept is 3 and 'None' otherwise
select name,

case when dept=1 or dept =2 then 'Sci'

when dept=3 then 'Art'

else 'None' end

from teacher

10. Self join

  1. How many stops are in the database.
select count(*)

from stops

  1. Find the id value for the stop 'Craiglockhart'
select id

from stops

where name='Craiglockhart'

  1. Give the id and the name for the stops on the '4' 'LRT' service.
select id, name FROM stops JOIN route ON id=stop WHERE company='LRT' AND num=4

  1. The query shown gives the number of routes that visit either London Road (149) or Craiglockhart (53). Run the query and notice the two services that link these stops have a count of 2. Add a HAVING clause to restrict the output to these two routes.
SELECT company, num, COUNT(*)

FROM route WHERE stop=149 OR stop=53

GROUP BY company, num

having count(*)=2

  1. Execute the self join shown and observe that b.stop gives all the places you can get to from Craiglockhart, without changing routes. Change the query so that it shows the services from Craiglockhart to London Road.
SELECT a.company, a.num, a.stop, b.stop

FROM route a JOIN route b ON

  (a.company=b.company AND a.num=b.num)

WHERE a.stop=53 and b.stop=149

  1. The query shown is similar to the previous one, however by joining two copies of the stops table we can refer to stops by name rather than by number. Change the query so that the services between 'Craiglockhart' and 'London Road' are shown. If you are tired of these places try 'Fairmilehead' against 'Tollcross'
SELECT a.company, a.num, stopa.name, stopb.name

FROM route a JOIN route b ON

  (a.company=b.company AND a.num=b.num)

  JOIN stops stopa ON (a.stop=stopa.id)

  JOIN stops stopb ON (b.stop=stopb.id)

WHERE stopa.name='Craiglockhart' and stopb.name='London Road'

  1. Give a list of all the services which connect stops 115 and 137 ('Haymarket' and 'Leith')
SELECT DISTINCT a.company, a.num FROM route a JOIN route b ON (a.num=b.num AND a.company=b.company) WHERE a.stop=115 AND b.stop=137

  1. Give a list of the services which connect the stops 'Craiglockhart' and 'Tollcross'
SELECT a.company, a.num

 FROM route a JOIN route b ON (a.num=b.num AND a.company=b.company)

 JOIN stops stopa ON a.stop=stopa.id

JOIN stops stopb ON b.stop=stopb.id

 WHERE stopa.name='Craiglockhart' AND stopb.name='Tollcross'

  1. Give a distinct list of the stops which may be reached from 'Craiglockhart' by taking one bus, including 'Craiglockhart' itself, offered by the LRT company. Include the company and bus no. of the relevant services.
SELECT DISTINCT name, company, num

FROM route JOIN stops ON stop=id

 WHERE num IN (SELECT num FROM route JOIN stops ON stop=id WHERE name='Craiglockhart') AND company='LRT'

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